- Published in Wellness
Opals of October
Opals of October
By Dr. Cristy Cali
Click aqui para español- > Ópalos de Octubre
Even if your birthday is not taking place this month, the metaphysical properties of opals may attract you to become a wearer.
Do you remember the first time you set your eyes on an opal stone? I was young and remember thinking the stone looked like it harnessed a rainbow within it. To a child and the eyes of an innocent, opals would appear to be quite a magical stone. The word itself comes from the Latin opalus, which means “precious stone.” It was also called opallios in Greek, meaning “to see a change in color,” pederos meaning “the child of love,” and paederos “the delicate complexion of a lovely youth.”
This month, we celebrate opals as October’s birthstone. Unlike many gemstones, opals are not crystals at all; in fact, they are a silicic acid gel that has been solidified through the loss of water.
The silicic acid in the gel forms tiny silicon dioxide globules between which up to 2% water and gas remain enclosed. It is the bending of light by these globules that gives the opal its wonderful play of color. It shows a variety of flashing colors called fire or opalescence. The fire appears as flecks or sparkles of vivid colors floating on top of the background.
In the jewelry industry, opals are highly valued, especially when they are shaped and cut by professionals who provide the ability to display the stone eloquently as a nicely designed piece of jewelry. Even if your birthday is not taking place this month, the metaphysical properties of opals may attract you to become a wearer.
When we discuss metaphysics, keep in mind this one law of the universe - As Above, So Below. Opals retain a certain degree of water, and symbolically, water represents emotions, yin, and femininity. Our bodies release water as tears when we become emotional and opal’s reflective properties help show these emotions back to ourselves. In effect, opals serve as a sort of mirror, allowing us to take an inward journey to discover the light, colors, and beauty we hold within. Only when our emotions are brought to the surface are we then able to consciously examine them and explore feelings we may have buried for too long.
Another characteristic of opals is the ability to bring a sense of peace and calmness to individuals, including children, suffering from too much stress, anxiety, and even fears-- especially if one is living too much in the past or the future. Opals are said to help bring a clearer sense of presence and relax an overstimulated mind cluttered with endless thoughts and chatter. Oftentimes, an overstimulated mind is due to the absorption of energy from other people, which results from a lack of personal boundaries. Since opals reflect, they can shield undesirable energy away and keep you from absorbing their negativity.
Whether you are a true believer in the healing properties of gemstones, Mother Earth’s precious gifts, no one can deny the physical elements and chemical compounds necessary for their creation. As quantum physics has proven, everything vibrates. As energetic beings emitting frequencies, we would be wise to consider the possibility of utilizing the natural elements available to us to create more balance and harmony over our vibration. After all, aren’t we here to explore, discover, learn, and grow to become the best versions of ourselves?