- Written by Memo Perez Lara
- Published in Leaders
Tulio Murillo
Tulio Murillo
By Memo Perez Lara
Click aqui para español->Tulio Murillo
Where are you from? Born in New Orleans, LA. My parents are from Honduras.
Where do you reside? Kenner, LA.
What is your favorite place in New Orleans? The Foundation Room at the House of Blues.
What kind of hobbies or activities do you enjoy? Traveling, festivals, jogging & exercising.
What schools have you attended? I graduated from Bonnabel High School (Class of 1990). I went to Delgado Community College to attain an Associate Degree in Civil Construction and Applied Engineering. I’m currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Social Science with a Minor in Marketing at Tulane University.
What does your job entail? Managing and marketing of Classic Insurance Agency.
Why did you get into this business? To fill the need of providing insurance policies and information to a Spanish-speaking community in the New Orleans metropolitan area
What services does Classic Insurance provide? Auto insurance, Homeowners insurance, Commercial insurance, Workers Comp., General Liability & Umbrella Coverage insurance policies.
What do you enjoy most about your job? Guiding my customers and helping them understand their policies and needs for any new venture. I also enjoy meeting new people in the community.
Why should someone choose Classic Insurance? We have over 20 years of experience with a quick turn around on issuing coverage and polices. We are always glad to assist, and we are open six days a week with convenient hours.
What is your goal for your customers? Making sure that every single one of our clients leaves our office with the correct coverage, understand their policies, and peace of mind. Our customers are always welcome in our offices and they can always come see us for additional information.
What makes you proud about being in New Orleans? The diversity and culture that we are surrounded by, and how we all come and work together in times of need.