- Written by AnaMaria Bech
- Published in Children’s Corner
Spanish Story Time
Para leer en español, presiona aquí: Cuentacuento, actividad de lectura en español
By AnaMaria BechCarolina Pulido, a teacher in the Dual Language Program at Jefferson Parish Schools and a volunteer for the Jefferson Parish libraries, saw the need to bring Hispanic children closer to libraries through a storytelling program. “Every Saturday, we go to different libraries to offer this recreational service for children, reading stories in Spanish, and after the story, we do recreational activities,” says Carolina.
The teacher learned that many first-grade students had never experienced a library. From there came the idea of creating an activity to take them to the library, for which she contacted Daniela Bello, the multicultural coordinator of the parish, who assisted with the visit and expressed interest in forming a reading program for children in Spanish.
The two leaders and mothers joined the project alongside Pulido’s husband, a Jefferson Parish teacher. They invite parents to come to the library and enjoy its educational treasures. “Come! Share with children and interact with libraries. Libraries have many activities that children can enjoy from Monday to Sunday when you want to come,” says Pulido.
Daniela Bello believes reading sessions are ideal for promoting culture and preserving the language. “We know that many children come from Latin American countries, and their first language is Spanish, so this is a way for them to adapt to this new place and speak their language. On the other hand, for children who were born here to Latino parents, whose first language is English, it is a way for them not to forget Spanish and to practice it,” says Bello.
The activity is free, and all children are welcome, regardless of their language. Follow VIVA NOLA on social media to find out the location of the next story time in Spanish.