


By Andrea Mejia

Click aqui para español- >El Poder de P.O.W.E.R.

A few years ago, Tammy O'Shea, Marketing Manager of Fidelity Bank, had the vision of creating a program for businesswomen and clients of the financial institution.

Although it took time to convince the Board of Directors, thanks to the presence of Katie Crosby as Chairman of the Board and the perseverance of O'Shea, who believed in her dream, P.O.W.E.R. (Potential of Women Entrepreneurs Realized) became a reality in October of last year, and already counts with almost 400 members.

Its director, Liz Broekman, has given her soul, life, heart, and even her wardrobe, to this powerful initiative, which has as its main objective to generate growth opportunities for business owners so that they can prosper and engage in powerful businesses. Broekman believes that the program has been very successful because "women take care of each other. It is part of our nature."

P.O.W.E.R. holds informational and educational seminars for its members. The "P.O.W.E.R. Hour" is very unique. At the end of every quarter, a group of around 10 members participate in a powerful hour at a particular branch, where they have breakfast together, and discuss a particular topic. This setting serves as an opportunity to get answers, share experiences and learnings, and generate new ideas for developing their businesses.

At Fidelity Bank they welcome you in a friendly way, and you do not feel that you enter a regular bank, but you feel part of a community. To be a member of P.O.W.E.R. you just need to have a bank account with Fidelity Bank. Membership applies to female business owners and partners, executives, directors, or leaders of nonprofit organizations.

As a member of P.O.W.E.R. you are added to a directory where other members can find and recommend you, which is the most valuable part of this program for entrepreneurs, since a recommendation is essential for businesses to thrive. P.O.W.E.R. sponsors events of organizations, such as New Orleans Business Alliance (NOLABA), American Business Women Association (ABWA), NABO, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, among others, and their directives make sure to support the initiatives of its members.

Through P.O.W.E.R., women entrepreneurs are featured in marketing campaigns, which serves as additional exposure for their businesses. Activities like "happy hours," seminars and executive lunches are part of the benefits for women in P.O.W.E.R.

Beyond these benefits, it is fun that checks, cards and other materials are purple, a feminine color that identifies us as powerful women, and that makes us feel unique and important. What are you waiting for, as a woman entrepreneur, to be a part of this powerful program?

You can support VIVA NOLA’s mission of connecting communities by donating here. Your support, in any amount, is very appreciated.
Andrea Mejia


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