International High School of New Orleans Uses Grant Money to Transform School and Community
By Cody Downey @codyalexdowney
Click aqui para español- > El International High School de Nueva Orleans utiliza dinero de subsidio para mejorar el colegio y su comunidad
Thanks to a grant provided by the Department of Education, the International High School of New Orleans plans to work on a School Climate Transformation program to not only impact their students but their community.
The grant awarded the school a total of $1,384,861, which has been broken up into portions to be used for five years ending in 2023. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the grant is given to schools “implementing an evidence-based multi-tiered behavioral framework for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students.”
International High School of New Orleans Head of School Sean Wilson said that the school decided to apply for the grant after seeing an increase in students needing both social and emotional support.
“When we learned of the grant, we thought it was a good fit for the work we were intending to do, that needed additional resources to make happen,” Wilson said. “The funds from the grant will allow us to start new initiatives that will alter the social programs, well-being, and resources that will continue our school’s goal for preparing our students for an international community.”
In deciding which programs and initiatives would be funded, Wilson said the school’s faculty and staff came together to collaborate on it along with looking at school data.
“We included our social workers and school counselors so that we could have truly a comprehensive veil of what our needs are,” Wilson said.
As a part of their School Climate Transformation Program, six new programs and initiatives are going to be added to the school. These include Capturing Kids’ Hearts, Link Crew, new teacher support, data system professional development, trauma-informed prevention programming, and parent engagement and education.
Capturing Kids’ Hearts
Developed by Flippen Group, Capturing Kids’ Hearts is a program designed to help teachers and other educators learn to establish meaningful relationships with students, while also still providing a good education. Wilson said that the program will help teachers engage with their students in a resonating way.
“When there is something that has gone awry, oftentimes the idea is lecturing students to get them to do the right thing,” he said. “But, Capturing Kids’ Hearts is more about questioning them. What is it that they are doing? What are they supposed to be doing? What are the next steps of consequencing them?”
Along with implementing the program, classrooms will also come up with a social contract to set rules and guidelines that they can all agree on. According to Wilson, these social contracts will help both students and teachers hold each other accountable.
The school is doing work that is training the adults on how to work alongside with students, which is opposed to injecting or subjecting students to a list of rules. “The process is not in conflict with the school. It is actually to support the school by allowing students to work within these goal lines as this group,” Wilson added.
Link Crew
Hoping to mold their students into leaders, the Link Crew at the International High School of New Orleans will begin by training upperclassmen in becoming leaders.
Wilson said that the program should take five years to get to where he wants it to be.
“The idea was that by the time we start the Link Crew program the current ninth graders will be seniors,” he said. “By the time this program culminates, we’ll have had three or four years of experience of Link Crew in training students on how to be leaders in their classrooms, in their school community and, hopefully, in the broader community.”
New Teacher Support
According to Wilson, he wanted to take on this initiative because of the concerning teacher turnover rates in education.
“We found the greater the number of times we support a teacher, the greater it increases their success in the classroom, and it also increases the probability of them remaining with the organization long term,” he said.
This data inspired Wilson to add this program to the school’s new initiatives.
“We had decided to lay out a platform where teachers are receiving more coaching and mentoring from not just our leadership but outside organizations and agencies to help them become more experienced in their craft as well as helping them to understand more of what is expected of them as educators and facilitators of learning in the classroom,” he said.
Data System Professional Development
With this initiative, Wilson said that teachers would be learning how to use and work with data to help identify which students may need more help than others.
“If there is a gap or divide in the classroom, they can have a proctor through the use of that data to determine ways to make those students who are lagging catch up while, at the same time, allowing students who are accelerating to accelerate without throwing down their progress as well,” he said.
Trauma-Informed Prevention Programming
This programming, in conjunction with the Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies, will teach the adult staff members on practices of instruction through a trauma-informed lens.
“This instruction is to help enlighten staff of the traumatic experiences students may have encountered that are impacting their learning opportunities,” he said. “These practices are about empathic instruction, helping students realize the power of their voice and action.”
Parent Engagement and Education
For Wilson, one of the main areas of concern for the school is parental engagement. “Traditionally in education, there is usually very high parental involvement in the lower grades, and we tend to see a trend downward in terms of parents giving space once you get into high school,” he said.
“That number is even more prevalent in high poverty schools and school districts.”
Wilson wondered how to get parents engaged in their students’ education. The school will now be focusing on letting parents know about the different services they provide, along with providing them with resources for places where they could further their education.
“We are working to ensure that our parents are engaged in the learning of their children and then also give them the desire to increase their knowledge base,” Wilson said. “Ideally, the more educated the parents are, the more they begin to preface their children on the importance of their education and, ideally, would help improve the academic outcomes of our students.”
Other Additions
Along with these programs and initiatives, International High School will be adding a new full-time school social worker to help provide Tier 2 and Tier 3 social-emotional interventions.
Wilson said that this addition is to help provide students with the tools they need as they move into adulthood. “There are assumptions that schools will be first bases that move students into better social positions in terms of learning to navigate society,” he said. “We felt that with the amount of trauma that our students may have seen in their lives and also some of the challenges that some of our students have to experience, that it would benefit us and them to have an additional social worker on site.”
With these implementations, Wilson hopes that the school can achieve several goals. For Wilson, these goals include moving closer toward a 100 percent graduation rate, decreasing the number of days students are absent, and increasing staff retention.
As the school moves toward the future, Wilson said that these new additions will help serve his school in helping everyone involved in their community thanks to the grant.
“The grant was a great push for us to move into providing some of these social and emotional supports that our students need as well as providing our faculty and staff with tools that are needed,” he said.
VIVA NOLA Supports local businesses.
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Important Covid-19 Update
Effective Friday, March 20, we will be closing our Bank lobbies until further notice, as many of our peers have done this week. Our Drive-up lanes will still be open at all locations for routine transactions, and we’ll be available to customers on an “appointment only” basis for such activities as opening new accounts or accessing a safe deposit box. We’ll also be asking some of our Back-Office Support team to work from home to the extent plausible.
We’re taking these actions to help mitigate the spread of the virus by promoting ‘social distancing.’ If you do make an appointment, either through our website, clicking the button below or calling Customer Service, please practice social distancing yourself while in our facilities. Maintain a healthy distance from others in the Bank, and limit any physical contact to the extent possible. If you’re not feeling well, please stay at home, as we’ve instructed our team members to do.
You can continue to conduct business at our ATMs, on our Mobile App and through Online banking, all of which are available 24/7.
We are trying to keep you and ourselves safe, so that we can continue to provide essential financial services during these trying times. Thank you for your business and for your consideration in this effort.
Ron E. Samford, Jr.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Marzo 18, 2020
Si cree que puede tener el coronavirus y desea hacerse la prueba, saber a dónde ir puede ser confuso y desafiante. Las instalaciones médicas y los consultorios médicos piden que todos llamen con anticipación para que puedan hacer los arreglos necesarios para proteger a los demás cuando las personas se someten a las pruebas.
Llame a su médico de atención primaria si está preocupado y muestra síntomas. Si no tiene un médico de atención primaria, comuníquese con Louisiana 211 Network marcando 2-1-1 para conectarse a la clínica comunitaria más cercana.
El Departamento de Salud de Louisiana recomienda realizar pruebas a cualquier paciente con fiebre, síntomas respiratorios y una prueba de gripe negativa. Las pruebas no se recomiendan para pacientes asintomáticos. Cualquier médico puede ordenar pruebas basadas en su juicio clínico. Las pruebas están siendo realizadas por el laboratorio estatal de salud pública y algunos laboratorios comerciales. El laboratorio estatal analiza muestras de pacientes de alta prioridad, que incluyen:
. Pacientes con aparición reciente de fiebre similar y síntomas de las vías respiratorias inferiores que están asociados con otros con un presunto brote de COVID-19
. Pacientes sin hogar con sospecha de COVID-19
Departamento de Trabajo - Derechos del Empleado
La División de Salarios y Horas de DOL (Departamento de Trabajo) sigue disponible para ayudar a los empleadores y empleados con las preguntas que puedan tener con respecto a las obligaciones del empleador y los derechos de los empleados. Si tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse con la División de Salarios y Horas al 1-866-4US-WAGE (1-866-487-9243) o al 504.589.6171. También establecimos recientemente un centro de llamadas virtual (VCC) para aumentar la cantidad de personal disponible para contestar llamadas en directo, para que las personas que llamen puedan comunicarse con un representante fuera de Louisiana. Esos miembros del personal están igualmente capacitados y disponibles para ofrecer asistencia al público. Además, puede encontrar útiles los siguientes recursos a medida que navega la situación por el COVID-19:
Desastre Préstamos Small Business Administration Asistencia
Proceso para acceder a préstamos de alivio de desastres por coronavirus (COVID-19) de la SBA
Para obtener información, comuníquese con el centro de servicio al cliente de asistencia por desastre de la SBA. Llame al 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) o envíe un correo electrónico a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Estrés, ansiedad y apoyo emocional durante emergencias us / page / coronavirus
Sentirse estresado, ansioso o deprimido es común entre los trabajadores de servicios humanos, el personal y los niños durante las emergencias. La Línea de ayuda para casos de desastre es una línea directa nacional las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año, que brinda asesoramiento inmediato en caso de crisis para las personas que sufren problemas emocionales relacionados con cualquier emergencia. Este servicio gratuito de apoyo de crisis, multilingüe y confidencial está disponible para todos los residentes en los EE. UU. Y sus territorios.
Beneficios de desempleo
Los trabajadores pueden solicitar asistencia financiera y beneficios de SNAP (cupones de alimentos) a través de la Comisión de la Fuerza Laboral de Louisiana, que ha reducido los requisitos de elegibilidad para ayudar a los trabajadores afectados por COVID-19. Para más información, visite
Gig Economy Fund New Orleans Business Alliance
Fondo de ayuda MusicCares COVID-19
La Academia de grabación está brindando asistencia financiera a músicos cuyos medios de vida se han visto comprometidos por la pandemia.
Escuela de la Parroquia de Jefferson- Comida para llevar
Los alimentos se proporcionarán de lunes a viernes de 11 a.m. a 1 p.m. (11:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. en la escuela Grand Isle), a partir del 18 de marzo. Las familias también podrán recoger la primera ronda de paquetes de aprendizaje en la fila de alimentos del 18 al 20 de marzo. La siguiente ronda de paquetes estará disponible del 30 de marzo al 2 de abril.
Las familias pueden ir a cualquiera de los 14 lugares para recoger una comida para llevar gratuita y un paquete de aprendizaje en el hogar, incluso si el sitio no es su escuela de origen.
Los lugares designados son:
Se ofrecerán comidas a cualquier niño de 18 años o menos (21 años y menos para estudiantes de educación especial) independientemente de si son estudiantes de las Escuelas Parroquiales de Jefferson. Los paquetes impresos de aprendizaje estarán disponibles para los estudiantes en los grados pre-K al 8. Los niños deben estar presentes con un adulto para recibir una comida y un paquete de aprendizaje. Las comidas incluirán almuerzo para ese día y desayuno para la mañana siguiente. Los paquetes de aprendizaje impresos están destinados a familias que no tienen acceso a Internet a los recursos disponibles en el sitio web del distrito. Se alienta a los estudiantes de secundaria a utilizar los cursos digitales disponibles en
La distribución de alimentos será a través de una fila afuera de la escuela para que las familias puedan permanecer en sus automóviles o hacer fila afuera. Para evitar crear una gran multitud, es importante que las familias se retiren inmediatamente de las instalaciones después de recibir su comida y su paquete.
COVID-19 Programas de nutrición infantil disponibles para familias
Si estás en Orleans Parish, marca 211 para obtener ayuda
Lugares designados:
Homer Plessy 721 St. Philip St., Nueva Orleans, LA 70116 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Beacon LightInternational Baptist 1937 Mirabeau Ave, New Orleans, LA 70122 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Ben Franklin HS 2001 Leon C Simon Dr, Nueva Orleans, LA 70122 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Bethune 2401 Humanity St, Nueva Orleans, LA 70122 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Coghill 4617 Mirabeau Ave., Nueva Orleans, LA 70126 9:00 am –11: 00am
Foundation Prep 3121 St Bernard Ave, Nueva Orleans, LA 70119 9:00 am –12: 00pm
John F. Kennedy 6026 Paris Ave, Nueva Orleans, LA 70122 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Living Faith Church 4339 Eastern St, Nueva Orleans, LA 70122 9: 00am –12: 00pm
Comisión NORD (Milne Playground) 5420 Franklin Ave, Nueva Orleans, LA 70122 9:00 am –12:00pm
Pierre A. Capdau 5800 St. Roch Ave, Nueva Orleans, LA 70112 8:30 am –1: 00pm
USPS Estacionamiento (Old Prep Space) 2067 Caton St, New Orleans 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Save-A-Lot Parking 4726 Paris Ave, New Orleans, LA 70122 9:00 am –12:00pm
RENEW Sci Tech820 Jackson Ave, New Orleans, LA 701309: 00am –12: 00pm
Martin Luther King ES* A partir del lunes 23 de marzo * 1617 Caffin Ave, New Orleans, LA 70117 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Abramson Sci Academy 5552 Read Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70127 9:00 am –12: 00pm
IDEA Oscar Dunn 12000 Hayne Blvd, Nueva Orleans, LA 70128 9:00 am –12: 00pm
KIPP Morial 7701 Grant St, Nueva Orleans, LA 70126 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Livingston 7301 Dwyer Rd., Nueva Orleans, LA 70126 9:00 am –12 : 00pm
Mildred Osborne 6701 Curran Blvd., Nueva Orleans, LA 70126 9:00 am –12:00pm
RENEW Dolores T. Aaron 10200 Curran Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70127 9:00 am –12:00pm
ReNEW Schaumburg 9501 Grant St, New Orleans , LA 70127 9:00 am –12: 00pm
Sarah T. Reed HS 5316 Michoud Blvd., Nueva Orleans, LA 70129 9:30 am –12: 00pm
NORD Comidas después de la escuela
NORD, en colaboración con Share Our Strength / No Kid Hungry Louisiana will ofrecemos comidas calientes a partir del martes 17 de marzo de 2020 de 4 a 6 PM en todos nuestros centros de recreación, excepto el Centro de Recreación Annunciation, para jóvenes de 18 años de edad y menores.
Lugares designados:
Behrman Rec Center 2529 General Meyer Avenue 4-6 PM
Cut-Off Rec Center 6600 Belgrade Street 4-6 PM
Gernon Brown Rec Center 1001 Harrison Avenue 4-6 PM
Joe W. Brown Rec Center 5601 Read Blvd.4-6 PM
Lyons Rec Center 624 Louisiana Avenue4-6 PM
Milne Rec Center 5420 Franklin Avenue 4-6 PM
Rosenwald Rec Center 1120 S. Broad Street 4-6 PM
Sanchez Multi-Service Centro 1616 Caffin Avenue 4-6 PM
Stallings St. Claude Rec Center 4300 St. Claude Avenue 4-6 PM
St. Bernard Rec Center 1500 Lafreniere Street 4-6 PM
Treme Rec Center 900 N. Villere Street 4-6 PM
Tanto Comcast como Spectrum publicaron recientemente comunicados de prensa anunciando sus ofertas, y los detalles de cada uno son ligeramente diferentes.
Spectrum ofrece Wi-Fi gratuito y acceso de banda ancha de hasta 100 MBPS a cualquier hogar con estudiantes de K-12 y / o estudiantes universitarios que aún no tengan Spectrum. Las tarifas de instalación no se aplicarán a estos hogares, y cualquier persona que desee inscribirse deberá llamar al 1-844-488-8395.
Comcast está expandiendo un servicio que ya ofrecen para familias de bajos ingresos llamado Internet Essentials. El servicio, que normalmente cuesta $ 9.95 al mes, será gratuito para los nuevos clientes durante 60 días y es de 25 MBPS. Las personas que desean inscribirse en los servicios pueden llamar al 1-855-846-8376 para inglés y al 1-855-765-6995 para español.
Ambos proveedores de servicios de Internet también ofrecen acceso gratuito a sus puntos de acceso Wi-Fi en todo el país.
Cox no ofrece internet gratis, pero ofrece un servicio con descuento por 60 días. Los nuevos clientes a su paquete "Starter" pagarán $ 19.99 por 50 MBPS por 60 días. Su oferta es válida hasta el 15 de mayo.
Banco de pañales del Centro de Recursos Hispanos de la ciudad de Kenner estará abierto al público. LLAME al (504)469-2570 antes de llegar para verificar que tienen el tamaño que necesita. Los pañales serán entregados solo con cita previa cada 30 minutos para evitar grupos grandes.. Por favor, siga las instrucciones, cumpla su cita y no llegue con gente que no tiene cita previa. No exponga a los demás, protejamos el bienestar de todos.
Fidelity Bank se compromete a facilitar la banca a nuestros clientes en todo el sudeste de Louisiana. A partir de hoy, 17 de marzo de 2020, hasta el 30 de junio de 2020, Fidelity Bank tomó la decisión de renunciar;
Cualquier retraso en los pagos e informes de crédito negativos para clientes de préstamos que hubieran incurrido en comisiones
Todas las penalizaciones por retiro anticipado de certificados de depósito.
En estos tiempos sin precedentes, es vital reafirmar nuestro compromiso con nuestros clientes y la comunidad. Durante más de 111 años, Fidelity Bank ha sido #hereforgood. Planeamos estar aquí por muchos, muchos más.
Fondo de Recuperación y Respuesta Comunitaria de UNITED WAY COVID-10
United Way Worldwide ha establecido un Fondo de Recuperación y Respuesta Comunitaria COVID-19. Este Fondo apoyará a las comunidades que luchan a raíz del nuevo virus, a través de United Ways local y la red 211, el recurso de información de referencia en tiempos de crisis. Cada año, 211 especialistas en llamadas responden 12 millones de solicitudes por teléfono, chat de texto y correo electrónico para conectar a las personas con desastres, alimentos, vivienda, servicios públicos, recursos de atención médica y más. No hay otra red en el país que tenga un pulso similar en las necesidades de Estados Unidos.
- El Senado aprueba el paquete de coronavirus mientras el Tesoro propone el rescate con controles de emergencia - Más información en los próximos días
Tax Tips
By Jeiver Gonzalez
GNO Tax & Bookkeeping
Click aqui para español- >Tax tips marzo 2020
Did you know?...
As a business owner, pick the entity that’s right for you. For legal and tax purposes, you can structure your business in different ways, and choosing the right one can impact how you file and how much you owe at tax time.
Be consistent in your accounting methods. Even for an all-digital business, you’ll still need to keep records and account for your income and expenses. There are different types of accounting methods, but cash and accrual are the main two.
Be mindful of self-employment taxes. Depending on how you structure your business, you could be liable for self-employment taxes on your business income. Self-employment tax consists of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and it’s similar to the taxes employers withhold from their employees’ paychecks.
Know what tax breaks are available to you. The tax code offer s a number of tax credits for businesses, and you may be able to take advantage of some the first time you file your business taxes, provided you qualify. You can find a full list of business tax credits on the IRS website.
La Voz de la Comunidad Coalition
By Marcella Escarfuller
Click aqui para español- >La Voz de la Comunidad Coalition
La Voz de la Comunidad Coalition‘s mission is to improve the quality of life in the Latino communities of Louisiana by preventing youth substance abuse through culturally competent leadership, advocacy, education and citizenship. “There is no group that I know of that is organized with the sole focus of improving the quality of life of Latinos in the state of Louisiana…We want to address issues like domestic violence and substance abuse. Anything in the community that might have a negative impact on youth, that’s what we want to focus on,” says David Alvarez, program director of La Voz de la Communidad (La Voz).
While not specific to any age group, La Voz is a coalition committed to prevention programming among today’s youth, building a foundation for tomorrow’s society and future leaders. Why a coalition? “Because that’s how you get the most involvement in the community,” says Jacqueline Haas, community liaison of La Voz. “There’s a framework that depends on participants within the community.” La Voz found their participants, and that pool has grown. What started in 2015 with two zip codes in Kenner has now grown into a network that encompasses all of the Greater New Orleans area.
“We follow an evidence-based process called the Strategic Prevention Framework,” says Alvarez. This framework involves a five-step process that includes identifying needs within the community, building capacity to address those needs, planning activities, implementation of those activities, and evaluating the outcome. These “needs” within the community consist of a range of issues many families and communities face, such as substance abuse, behavioral health and mental health. Once these needs are identified, La Voz sets out to implement their Strategic Prevention Framework for solutions to these issues and the overall betterment for the Hispanic community.
Not only is the coalition devoted to developing and implementing their own programs, but they are also champions for the community among local government and schools. “We endeavor to advocate for policies that make it more difficult for youth to have access to addictive substances,” says David. “We meet with business owners and show them how to design their stores so that they’re more kid-friendly.” The goal is to change the mentality to protect today’s youth. “You’re still a child when you’re 18, even at 21. Your brain is still developing.” De-stigmatizing mental health issues is another area of focus. “Educating the community is important,” says Alvarez. “We want to get the message out through as many channels as possible. And through that, we’ll grow organically and eventually be able to address other areas of concern, like HIV prevention.”
Their work with local schools and legislators has helped bridge gaps and create awareness for the needs of Hispanic families in the area. La Voz works closely with ESL/ELL programs in Jefferson Parish schools. They have also introduced La Voz Club into local schools. The club focuses on building leadership skills. “We teach them how to take meeting minutes, how to make presentations, and basic leadership skills,” says Mariana Montero, program coordinator at La Voz de la Comunidad.
The coalition’s footprint in the Hispanic community is growing and their impact is becoming stronger. Today, they work simultaneously with 10 to 20 schools at a time, providing programs for today’s youth to better educate them about issues directly impacting their communities and giving them the tools they need to effect lasting change.
Tax Tips
By Jeiver Gonzalez
Click aqui para español- >Consejos de Taxes Febrero 2020
Did you know?
By Jeiver Gonzalez of GNO Tax & Bookkeeping
Click aqui para español- >Consejos sobre los Taxes
Hispanic Chamber
--NEW ORLEANS - November 2019. Verizon and UnidosUS presented grant funding to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana (HCCL) and provided a behind-the-scenes look at their new Latinos @ Work program. The event, which took place at the HCCL Foundation in Kenner, included a special curriculum demonstration from current program participants.
The grant will allow HCCL to develop a state-of-the-art digital learning center equipped with mobile technologies, specialized curriculum, and professional services to help program participants become more digitally competent in the workforce.
In partnership with Verizon, UnidosUS and its affiliates have developed digital learning centers in New Orleans and three additional cities through the Latinos @ Work program. This partnership represents Verizon‘s broader efforts to increase community engagement in New Orleans and surrounding areas. The HCCL has been selected to carry out and oversee the Latinos @ Work programming in the New Orleans market.
“Verizon is proud to partner with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana Foundation to provide programming that will increase access to 21st-century skills in the Latino community,“ said April W. Brumfield, Director of Government Affairs at Verizon. “In today‘s digital world, nearly every career requires some level of digital literacy. We are excited to support programs that aim to bridge the digital divide.“
The program‘s digital literacy and job readiness contextualized toolkit will help community-based organizations, like the HCCL, provide soft and hard skills to participants through eight-week-long sessions.
Enrolled participants will also be provided with meals, childcare, laptops, and transportation during the duration of their course. The digital learning centers will be equipped with mobile technologies, curriculum, and professional services to help program participants become digitally competent.
The curricula will help individuals prepare for jobs that require digital skills and to be employed in those jobs. It will consist of modules that aim to elevate the skill sets of participants, including financial capability, digital literacy, job readiness, communication, and job search.
“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana is thrilled about this partnership with Verizon and UnidosUS because it will allow us to bridge the gap between the Hispanic community and digital literacy,“ said Mayra Pineda, President & CEO of the HCCL. “This will convert to better job opportunities and economic development for program participants and the community-at-large.“
According to a 2018 study by Pew Research Center, Hispanics account for 16 percent of the U.S. workforce, but they only represent 7 percent of all STEM workers. Latinos @ Work seeks to address this gap as graduates of the program will be connected to further education, training, and employment opportunities in the financial service sector, information technology, retail and customer service, and hospitality fields.
The Community is Our Priority
By Metairie Bank
Click aqui para español- >La prioridad es la comunidad
At Metairie Bank, “Enriching the Communities We Serve” is more than just part of our mission statement, it’s our pledge to continue making a difference in our community.
Giving back is an essential component of what makes Metairie Bank a community bank. We’re dedicated to providing support to the communities where we live and work. We invest in the future of our communities by promoting financial literacy, health, and the arts.
We offer assistance to non-profit organizations and support programs that strive to better our communities and the lives of our neighbors who live in them.
Helping to Make Home Buying Easier
We are dedicated to supporting the promotion of financial literacy. We know buying a home can feel daunting. We’re here to relieve stress by providing educational information into the home buying process. Community Development Officer Marina Manzanares lead an informational home buying workshop to help people in our community feel confident turning their dreams of buying a home into a reality.
Giving Educational Opportunities to Local Students
Our own Scott Schellhaas, VP of Mortgage and Commercial Loans is also a Board Member of Jefferson’s Dollars for Scholars. Scott and Community Development Officer Marina Manzanares presented a scholarship to Haynes Academy graduate Taylor Tarleton, who will be going to LSU.
As a community bank, we invest in the future of the communities we serve. We are proud to help provide educational opportunities for the youth of Jefferson Parish.
Metairie Bank is Happy to Support the Murphy Education & Sports Foundation
They will host their 10th Annual Back-to-School Giveaway in July. It’s an incredible cause that provides students with the tools they need to succeed, including backpacks and school supplies.
By Jason Reeves
Click aqui para español- >Finanzas Julio 2019
Hi everyone! It’s officially summer time here in New Orleans! This month I want to touch on the topic of debt and offer a few summer reading options to help you along the way in your journey to financial freedom:
Three books I’d recommend for summer reading are:
1) “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey
2) “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley and
3) “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
Would you like to put together a personalized plan? Schedule your initial consultation with me by sending me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Focus on Finances
By Jason Reeves
Click aqui para español- > Concentrarse en las finanzas Junio 2019
Hi everyone! It’s hard to believe that we’re already halfway through 2019! I hope you’re doing well and that you’re on track with your goals! This month we’re going to talk about five ways to help protect and grow your retirement savings.
If I leave an employer, should my retirement money go with me? In most cases, yes. The primary reasons are that once you separate from that employer, you can no longer contribute to that account. Also, if you were receiving any company matching contributions, they typically stop once you’re no longer working there.
What options are available? Any time you leave an employer, you always have four options. 1) Leave the money with your previous employer. 2) Initiate a rollover of funds to your new employer’s retirement plan. 3) Initiate a rollover to a Traditional or Roth IRA. 4) Cash out what you’ve saved.
What is a rollover, and will I get taxed? The word “rollover” refers to the fact that money is in motion. You’re moving it from one place or plan to another. There are specific rules and guidelines that need to be met so you avoid a tax penalty. For example, money coming from an employer plan is usually pre-tax. Because of that, any account you decide to roll it to needs to be pre-tax, so it doesn’t cause a taxable event.
What is an IRA? IRA is short for “Individual Retirement Account” and what it does is allows you to consolidate your money into one central location if you’re rolling it over from one or more employer plan. It also allows you to start saving and investing independently, without the use of an employer, if you’re self-employed for example. There are two primary types of IRAs and they’re called Traditional and Roth IRAs.
What’s the difference between a Traditional and a Roth IRA? The main difference between the two is that the Traditional IRA is designed for pre-tax money and the Roth IRA is designed for after-tax money. Also, money withdrawn from a Traditional IRA is taxable and money withdrawn from a Roth IRA is not, if the account is five years or older.
Would you like to put together a personalized plan? Schedule your initial consultation with me by sending me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Focus On Finances May 2019
By Jason Reeves
Click aqui para español- >Concentrarse en las finanzas mayo 2019
Hi everyone! I hope that you’re staying focused on your personal and financial goals! This month’s focus is on the importance of life insurance. There are a few topics that we will discuss and hopefully give you some clarity on.
Get started today by viewing this link: or for more complex situations, reach out to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Focus on Finances
By Jason Reeves, Segue Wealth Management
Click aqui para español- >Concentrarse en las finanzas
I believe that this year is going to be a great one for you and that, with a focused and intentional mindset, you will achieve your goals this year! Here are five key decisions that you control that can impact your life, be it positively or negatively, in 2019 and beyond:
Would you like to put together a personalized plan?
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Focus on Finances
By Jason Reeves
Click aqui para español- >Enfóquese en sus finanzas
Did you make a 2019 resolution to get your finances in order? If so, here are 5 to-dos to help you get the results you want:
Schedule your initial consultation at
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